Uhhh, winter..? 24° - Reisverslag uit Brisbane, Australië van Ruben Joosse - WaarBenJij.nu Uhhh, winter..? 24° - Reisverslag uit Brisbane, Australië van Ruben Joosse - WaarBenJij.nu

Uhhh, winter..? 24°

Door: Ruben Joosse

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ruben

05 Juni 2017 | Australië, Brisbane

Hey all, only three weeks left and I'll be back home again, so it is time to write about what happened last month and what I will be doing the last three weeks.
This last month I was busy with several assignments, presentations and such. I spent most of my time working on those things and playing pool with a good friend of mine, I'm actually getting better! (at pool that is). The assignments were all about 2000 words long so nothing too major, I handed them over the past two weeks and by now I have all my grades back. I got a 6 / 7 for all of them and I am very happy with that :D. But... Uhhh, Ruben...? Why are you happy with a 6-7 because it isn't that great... Well, I am sorry to tell you but you are wrong. At least on this side of the world ;) It is because Griffith university doesn't use the Dutch 1-10 system but uses a 1-7 system on which a 6 (distinction) is 75%+ correct and a 7 (high distinction) is 85%+ correct. So I'd say I am doing pretty good so far. After the assignment deadlines it was time for study week, which is a week off before the exams to study and prepare and probably the busiest time on campus all year.

By now study week is over though and I just had my first exam. I had my work and employability exam and it went quite well. Next week I will continue with my exams, political leadership on monday and international relations on tuesday. During the following days I will study and prepare myself for these exams as I expect them to be quite tough but nothing that can't be handled.

Other than school I have to say that not that much happened here except that it is winter here now and we're all 'freezing'. For Aussie standards that is with 23-26 degrees during the day and 15ish at night. The weather here right now is definitely separating the boys from the men because every foreigner (men, obviously ;D) is happily walking around in t-shirt and shorts whereas all the Australians are wearing long trousers, sweaters and coats.

Once my exams are done it will be exactly 7 days until I will start on my journey back home. And as most other internationals notice, time flies extremely quickly. It still feels like last week that I went to Melbourne and travelled. Even though the time is moving very quickly I am looking forward to going home again and seeing my friends, family and (especially) my girlfriend again.

Well now you know what has happened here, hope you enjoyed getting a little update and I will try to write one more before I leave. After my exams are finished I might do a trip or two in the empty week but really not sure about that yet, time will tell.

Talk to all y'all later. -Ruben

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Eating in one of the iconic Melbourne alleyways, for some odd reason a little too zoomed in ;)

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